The “Best In” Store

So it’s been about two weeks since this blog got 100 views for the first time! Maybe I should make lists more often? Anyway, as some of you already know, this summer was really difficult for me because I just wasn’t doing much. I spent a lot of time waiting on God and waiting for answers, many of which I have yet to receive (or perhaps yet to accept.) But I made it!

I am extremely grateful to be beginning this new season in this place so close to my heart, with so many people that bring me so much joy. On the other hand, I can already sense the stress, due dates, social anxieties, and obligations trying to consume my thoughts and motivations. I’ve jumped right into 17 credit hours, a job on campus, and putting myself on a tighter budget. In fact, even though I’ve only been back at school for about a week or so, I’ve already forgotten to eat lunch twice. Like just forgot. About lunch. Two days in a row. Who does that? (No worries, I’ve now set an alarm on my phone with a tone called “Broccoli Salad,” which seemed fitting for the occasion.)

God is already challenging me in so many ways, making me exercise lots of patience and other fruits that I seem to spoil. I know that He has the best in store for me, but like a misbehaving child I’m distracted by what’s in other aisles.

“But I have a coupon for this! Wouldn’t it be easier this way?”…”The kids in that aisle have candy. Where’s my candy?”…”When do I get a turn to ride in the shopping cart?”…”But there’s a cute boy in that aisle!”…”You can’t expect me to reach what’s on that shelf. Why don’t You get it yourself?”…”But look, I NEED it!”…”Check out these things that make distracting noises!”…”Are we done here yet?”…”But I can’t afford that!”…”That’s not the brand everyone else is buying!”…”I can’t seem to find You, where did You go?”

The list goes on and on. I might not be throwing a temper-tantrum, but if my life is a supermarket then I sure do feel like that kid who is wondering how much farther they’ve gotta walk before getting a candy bar. I have come into this school year with my own intentions and I must daily surrender those to God, because He’s my ride home!

I love this place, I love this life I try to lead, and I love God’s reminders that His calling on my life is bigger than anything else, worth more than money can buy or that popularity can provide. He is preparing me for work and blessings that are bigger than myself, bigger than what I can imagine right now. And I can’t wait to see what He has in store.

82 Things My Freshman Year of College Taught Me.

A week from today, my sophomore year of college will begin. I’ll return to a place full of adventures, a place that really has transformed my life. As a college student, the question I get most often besides “What’s your major?” and “Where is that school exactly?” is the most intimidating of all the college questions. Yes, even more daunting than “So, do you have a boyfriend yet?” 

Every college student is at some point asked “If there were one thing you could tell upcoming freshmen, what would it be?” And well, knowing I would get this question I wanted to keep track of some of the lessons I learned. I love lists. I know lists are the “cool” thing to do on the internet now, and not to sound hipster, but I was making lists before it was cool. So I’ve kept track of this list since about May in hopes that I could share it.

Each of these has a story [or stories] behind it, but those are for another day (or if you ask). Some apply only to me, some might just apply to girls, some are of spiritual nature, some are just practical. But all are honest tidbits, small examples of all that college has been to me thus far. Enjoy.

82 Things Year 1 of College Taught Me.

  1. Having a roommate is harder than it sounds.
  2. I am most definitely an introvert. An INFJ, to be exact.
  3. Looking in the mirror and liking what I see is worth getting up early to go to the gym.
  4. Jumbo note cards are my best friend.
  5. Coupons really do come in handy.
  6. Tennessee has better banana pudding [than North Carolina]
  7. No one in NC has heard of Petro’s Chili and Chips, and thus chili, chips, and cheese is known as “Frito Pie”
  8. I’ve yet to find fans more loyal and enthusiastic than University of TN fans, except possibly a couple of Alabama fans.
  9. 3-4 inches of snow is about the point at which my scooter/wheelchair gets stuck.
  10. No one is ever who you think they are when you first meet them.
  11. Papers turn out best when completed in pieces, and with Celtic music playing in the background.
  12. In the words of The Rocket Summer, “All I have is all of me, and it’s all that I can give.”
  13. Sometimes it’s necessary to tell someone exactly what you need or don’t need from them, because they’ll never get it otherwise.
  14. Hugs are an energy source if given and received by the right people.
  15. Common courtesy can go a long way and lack thereof can ruin a day, or a week.
  16. Solitude is something to be treasured because it’s hard to find in college.
  17. I have little tolerance for excuses, anyone else’s or my own.
  18. It is absolutely necessary to find wise Christian role models that will pour into you.
  19. Negativity is poisonous, even when it comes from well intentioned people.
  20. It’s okay to be angry, sad, or upset. It is not “unchristian’ to be angry, sad, or upset or to express those things.
  21. People will flirt with you on more on days when you wear make-up. It’s stupid, but true.
  22. Stage management is probably one of the most difficult jobs in the theatre, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat! (As long as it’s a show I wouldn’t rather audition for.)
  23. My majors and career goals actually make sense to several people.
  24. Don’t let your friends eat on your bed, or sleep in it when you’re not around.
  25. When to say no. Don’t do something you don’t want to do, if it isn’t necessary. Because, in many cases, if you won’t enjoy it, then it’s not a worth being a part of.
  26. Whiners and complainers are very annoying, regardless of the matter at hand.
  27. Make your own decisions. You can ask people what they think, but you have to decide what’s best for yourself.
  28. Nap time is an important schedule item.
  29. Get yourself outside because it can be brilliant out there.
  30. Crying is something that WILL happen, and it will happen when you least want it to and never when you’d actually like it to.
  31. Text messages can be extraordinarily misinterpreted and they are not worthy sources of information. Ever.
  32. No matter how cute a guy may be, he will forget things moments after you explain them and he will let you down at some points.
  33. The large mug setting on a Keurig coffee maker is the exact amount of hot water necessary for one of those cups of Ramen noodles
  34. Be careful in your choice of canoeing partners.
  35. Denny’s has better coffee than IHOP
  36. Take your Vitamin C!
  37. Turabian niiiiights, Turabian daaaaaays: the life of a religion major
  38. How to get footnotes onto the correct side of the page in Microsoft Word
  39. God is attracted to us.
  40. Sometimes a random adventure is exactly what you need.
  41. Color coding completes everything.
  42. “Sometimes you must suffer, suffer into truth.”
  43. Making your bed can make all the difference
  44. I’m super excited about being a wife and mother one day, I can feel it in my soul.
  45. I often use humor to brush off, dumb down, or cover up how I really feel.
  46. How real camping works.
  47. People are very disappointing.
  48. …but not ALL people are disappointing ALL of the time
  49. Don’t anger any geese.
  50. How to create a somewhat functional table using Excel.
  51. How to cope with my childhood based fear of cafeterias.
  52. My migraines are REAL. I have not been making those suckers up.
  53. I’m really good at writing professional sounding e-mails.
  54. In college, girls can be just as catty and deceitful and guys can be more disgusting than you thought
  55. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trust anyone ever.
  56. That being said, always pay attention to your surroundings.
  57. Recycle often.
  58. Carry an umbrella.
  59. Make great effort to wash your sheets regularly, like on a weekly or monthly basis.
  60. Find yourself a cute raincoat so that the weather can’t get you down.
  61. Don’t harbor resentment against people, it’s not worth it.
  62. Trail mix is better with candy corn added to it.
  63. You can “toss” a cafeteria salad using two bowls.
  64. Breakfast really is important. Love it. Savor it.
  65. At some point you will have to deal with your personal finances and figure out how this adult stuff works.
  66. Don’t forget to check your P.O. Box.
  67. Dryer sheets can be useful for many things, including but not limited to stain removal and air freshener.
  68. Always smell the Febreeze before you buy it.
  69. A little color on your nails can produce a large confidence boost.
  70. Find some sunglasses that make you feel like a celebrity.
  71. Take time to observe and appreciate the campus squirrels.
  72. Thrift shopping really is awesome, whether you need quality time with friends or sweaters at a great price.
  73. The buddy system is generally quite effective…
  74. Though there will be times you have to go it alone.
  75. Look out for campus sprinklers, and master the art of avoiding them.
  76. Yoga is a lifesaver.
  77. Don’t let any of your love and reliance on the Scriptures fall by the wayside
  78. Be supportive of those you love. For example, maybe you really don’t want to see that basket weaving magic show, but nothing compares to the look on a friend’s face when he/she finds you in the audience.
  79. Correct one another with love, but don’t yell. Please.
  80. Take advantage of free or cheap t-shirts.
  81. Utilize your Student Government! They are there for a reason, they CAN change some things.
  82. Give compliments. Because if you’re going to think something nice about someone, you might as well let them know.

Here’s to another year, y’all