Loads to Bear…or Maybe Not…

Not-so-fun fact: The actions of the people I care about affect me very deeply. Usually that’s seen as a good thing, because it means I’m compassionate and caring; however, there are a many times that my elevated sense of empathy causes me unnecessary stress. Most of the time, I get rattled when a friend or family member makes an unwise decision. I get caught up in what I could have done to help them, and what more I could have said to them, even when it all really has nothing to do with me.

There are a handful of students that I am close to that are younger than myself. I try my best to share what wisdom I can, and to encourage them in their faith. But sometimes when they stumble and get hurt, or someone hurts them, I get so worried about them that it causes me anxiety and stress. I constantly want to be able to fix things that are out of my control.

As I prepare for my next year of college away from home, I am also preparing to leave quite a few of my “kiddos” (that aren’t really kiddos anymore) behind once again. I am growing increasingly nervous, not for myself, but for these brothers and sisters of mine who are going to be facing big decisions and great adversity. I have been praying hard for patience and for a greater sense of peace.

A few days ago I read a passage in Galatians 6 about bearing one another’s burdens. I looked at it and thought “Yup, that’s me. But if I’m doing what I’m supposed to do, why do I feel so unsettled?” Then, I noticed at the end of the paragraph, verse 5 said For each will have to bear his own load Woah. Wait. So I’m supposed to carry people’s burdens, but not really?

As I dug a little deeper into the chapter and its context, I realized what the Scripture was really saying. We must bear one another’s burdens, but each person is responsible for his/her own work. Because if I could be held responsible for a brother’s actions, then credit would be given to me, instead of the Lord. And so in order for the power of God to be demonstrated in their lives, my kiddos have to handle things on their own, regardless of what I do or say.

My younger friends will have to test their own work. I can guide them with gentleness, but I am not meant to save the day. That’s the Lord’s load.

Simply Put…

Despite my laziness in blogging, a lot has gone on over the past month. I’ve served with a missions team in Guatemala, taught classes during Fine Arts Camp, and have also been making an effort to delve more deeply into Scripture.

Right now I am reading a book called The Irresistible Revolution in which the author shares his journey of faith while challenging Christians to live and love in radical ways, using examples like the early church in Acts and many other incidences in Scripture to emphasize the importance of a faith based on Scripture and the life of Christ, rather than faith based on cultural norms or what might be most comfortable.

First of all, I love this book and highly recommend it. It addresses some hard-hitting issues that the church today tends to avoid, and it throws church politics to the wayside as it describes how the church should really function. But anyway, it has been challenging me to dig deeper into Scripture and ask myself whether I really take it seriously. I am longing to see, hear, and experience scripture coming to life.

So I guess that’s really where I am. Looking to the Word, trying to figure this life out. It’s nothing fancy or terribly insightful, but it’s where I am. Searching for correlations between God’s Words and my life.